Almighty Allah called Yunus to preach to the people of Nineveh. Nineveh was a great city, the capital of Assyria, and it had become a very wicked place. Yunus went to the people there and told them to give up their bad ways and to turn, instead, to Allah. But they wouldn't listen to him and so Yunus left them, calling down Allah's wrath on them.
Having left the city behind, Yunus boards a ship. He has had enough of preaching Allah's message and he sets sail far away from the scene of his failure. Once at sea, though, a storm grows up and the crew are terrified. These pagan sailors feel that the gods of the sea must be displeased with them, so they draw lots to throw one man overboard to calm the storm. Yunus draws the short straw, not once but three times, and the terrified crew throw him overboard to protect themselves and their ship.
Once in the water, something extraordinary happens. Allah sends a great fish, some describe it as a whale, to swallow Yunus whole. Once in its belly, Yunus descends to the bottom of the sea, filled with total despair. How can he possibly survive this disaster? What way out of his situation could there possibly be? He is engulfed by darkness: the darkness of the deep; the darkness of the creature's stomach; and, worst of all, the darkness of despair. Even though he was a religious man, called to be a prophet, he experiences doubt and despair, and it is when he is in the depths of despair that things change for him. In the Holy Qur'an, we read that Yunus "cried through the darkness." He realized that Almighty Allah, not he, was in control of things. He cries out, "there is no god but you," and asks for help. In asking for help, his prayer is heard.
There is a very beautiful book, called Stories of the Prophets, written in the Middle Ages by Hafez Ibn Kathir. It is easily available and well worth reading. In it, Ibn Kathir has a lovely commentary on this part of Yunus' story. He says that once Yunus admits that there is no god but Allah and that only Allah can save him, something wonderful happens. First, the whale begins to sing the praises of Allah, then all the little fishes around it, then all the creatures of the sea, each in its own way, until there is a great chorus of praise. The whale swims up to the surface and ejects Yunus onto the shore.
Nineveh, for example, the great city and the capital of a great empire, doesn't even exist anymore. Scholars say it lies in Iraq on the other side of the river from the city of Mosul, but its temples and monuments have gone. All worldly power will go the same way. Even today's superpowers, who behave as though they are Allah, and believe that everyone just obey them, will one day wither and fade and, like all great empires before them, cease to exist.
Another lesson from the story of Prophet Yunus (pbuh) is that we never know the effect our deeds will have on others. We, like Yunus, are called to tell others about Islam, but the results might never be known to us. A word we say to one person might touch them deeply and yet we may never see the effect of that world. But we must keep trying. We never know what effect our da'wah will have.
What we must never do, though, is to think that we are in control or that it is we who call others to Islam. Allah is in control and He, alone, calls others to Himself. We shouldn't get down-hearted or angry when our efforts seem to fail. Yunus called down Allah's wrath on the people of Nineveh. Some might feel tempted to take it upon themselves to punish the evil-doers in our world, but this is not the way of Islam. Muslims trust in Allah. In His own time and in His own way, He will punish those who do evil, just as He will reward the righteous:
"No soul knows what comfort is kept hidden for them, as a reward for their deeds."
Holy Qur'an 32:17
Allah uses all things to work out His plan. In the story of Prophet Yunus (pbuh), He not only uses Yunus, but He uses the sailors and the whale and the plant, to do His will. So we should never presume to know the will of Allah, nor to make decisions on His behalf.
Never give up.Trust in Allah. He can use us and all situations to do great things beyond our wildest imagination. It is by Allah's Will that we are Muslim. Just as "his Lord chose him and made him of the righteous," so we, too, like Prophet Yunus can respond to the call of Almighty Allah and make a difference in our world.
subhan Allah
surely he is the best of planners. most merciful and the creator of the worlds. the Almighty and all worthy alone of worship. ALLAH
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