[These posts are by MusliMiss on her blog;, and merely re-posted here since that blog is no longer accessible]
the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Ever-Merciful. All Prayers and
Blessings of Allah be upon our master, the most noble Prophet Mohammed.
I would like to introduce myself..
a Muslim lady aiming on spreading the biography of our beloved Prophet
Mohammed. I'm not a historian or an Islamic preacher so I'll base my posts on
Amr Khaled's TV Program "On the Path of the Beloved".
program was aired in Ramadan 2005 and shot in Al Madeena Al Monawara. Amr
Khaled did an excellent job lecturing his viewers about the seera (biography)
of Prophet Mohammed and inspired many Muslims to follow his path.
you're wondering why I published this blog on this certain date instead of
directly after airing the program in 2005 it's because I never knew that I
needed to speak up for my religion and make it clear for some people that
Islam=Peace and Mohammed=God's Final Messenger.
addition Muslims all around the world will acknowledge the birth of Prophet
Mohammed on Thursday 20 March which is 12 Rabee3 Al Awal in the Islamic
Calender therefore the timing is just right to start this blog.
conclusion I want to make it clear that:
blog is aimed at educating Muslims and non Muslims about the Prophet in a
language that an average person understands.
blog is not published to start
conflict between Muslims and haters of Islam so please avoid attacking Islam or
Prophet Mohammed.
Prophet Mohammed was born on 12 Rabee3 Al Awal in corresponding to the 20th of April 570 AD, 50 days before the year of the elephant in Mekkah. He was named “Mohammed” by his grandfather Abdul Mutalib.
Mohammed wasn’t a common name and so people asked Abdul Mutalib why he didn’t name his grandson after his ancestors and he answered” I wanted him to be thanked on earth by the dwellers of the earth, and in the heavens by the dwellers of the heavens”.
Prophet Mohammed’s full name is:
Mohammed Ibn Abdullah, Ibn Abdul Mutalib, Ibn Hashem, Ibn Abd Zanat, Ibn Abd Kusay, Ibn Kilab, Ibn Murra, Ibn Kaab, Ibn Louay, Ibn Ghaleb, Ibn Fihr; Fihr was the father of Quraysh and Fihr was a descendent of Ismail (Ishmael), whose father was Ibrahim (Abraham).
The Prophet’s great grandfather Kusay was the one who united + lead Quraysh and built Dar An-Nadwa.
The Prophet’s great grandfather Hashem was the one who made trade agreements with Arabian tribes + Persion + Romans by negotiating sending the trading caravans of Quraysh i.e. boosting the wealth of Quraysh.
The prophet’s immediate grandfather, Abdul Mutalib was the one responsible for digging the well of Zamzam to offer water to the Arabs. In addition he was the one to stop Abraha when he came to conquer Makkah... Abraha stole people's assets and that led to the famous dialogue between Abraha and Abdul Mutalib..
Abdul Mutalib went to reclaim his camels from Abraha and Abraha laughed and said, “I thought you were coming to negotiate about the Ka3ba that I intend to destroy.”
Abdul Muttalib replied, “The camels are mine, but the Ka3ba has its Lord and He will protect it.”
Abdul Mutalib was right, God protected the Ka3ba by sending birds from the sky that destroyed Abraha's army.
The Prophet’s father Abdullah Ibn Abdul Mutalib died 2-3 months after his marriage to Aminah bint Wahab the Prophet’s mother. He was on a trading trip to Al Sham (Syria) and on his way back to Mekkah he stopped in Al Madeenah to visit his uncles. He spent a few days in Al Madeenah and suddenly became very sick and died.
Prophet Mohammed was born an orphan and a descendant of Prophets & Leaders. He had a noble blood line and high leadership status in Quraysh. His family was well respected and controlled the winter and summer trades.
The birth of Prophet Mohammed was a normal birth and the miracle about it is that it was exactly 50 days before the year of the elephant after Abraha’s defeat when he tried to destroy the Ka3ba.
People of Quraysh were keen that their newborn babies live with the Bedouins in the desert for a healthy atmosphere. They used to have an agreement with the Buni Sa3d tribe that raised their children for two years in exchange for money.
Prophet Mohammed was an orphan so the Buni Sa3d nurses didn’t want to breastfeed him because they feared of not getting paid however one nurse named Halimah didn’t get a child to care for so she took him.
Hilimah took care of the Prophet for 2 years and saw him grow at a fast rate, she said “My tribe lived in a barren desert, and our herds used to graze in the desert but return with stomachs empty of milk. When Mohammed PBUH arrived, my herd went out to graze and was the only one among all the herds to come back full of milk from which Mohammed PBUH and my son were able to drink. When this happened the other herd keepers used to follow my herd to get their share of the blessings. Mohammed PBUH brought us prosperity."
When the Prophet was 6 years old his mother (Aminah bint Wahab) decided to take him to Al Madinah to visit his father’s grave and on their way back to Mekkah she suddenly became sick and died. The prophet saw his mother die in front of his eyes and observed his maid Um Ayman burying her in the ground. This journey was engraved in the Prophet’s memory because he lost the most precious person in his life.
All this was happening to Prophet Mohammed because God was preparing him to lead mankind and know the meaning of life and death from a young age.
Prophet Mohammed went to live with his grandfather Abdul Mutalib who was about 90 years old and one of the leaders of Quraysh. The Prophet loved his grandfather dearly because his mother Aminah bint Wahab believed he had to have a strong bond with his father’s family.
Abdul Mutablib and the leaders of Quraysh used to meet everyday in the Ka3ba and discuss politics, news and economy of Makkah. The Prophet used to attend this meeting with his grandfather instead of playing with the kids of Mekkah. Abdul Mutalib used to lay down his gown on the ground and let Prophet Mohammed sit on it. He always said “This son of mine will be a great man!”. Abdul Mutalib had a feeling Prophet Mohammed was going to be a great leader.
When the Prophet was 8 years old his grandfather Abudl Mutalib died and he was orphaned for the third time. Abdul Mutalib told his son Abu Taleb the Prophet’s uncle to take care of him and his uncle treated him as his own son. Abu Taleb had 10 children so the Prophet was brought up illiterate.
The Prophet learned many skills in his childhood from all the jobs he had and different events that took place.
Prophet Mohammed worked as a shepherd at the age of 8 because he wanted to help his uncle Abu Taleb since he wasn’t rich and had a big family. He then decided to become a trader at the age of 15 and join his uncle on their trade trips to Al Sham (Syria). Becoming a trader helped the Prophet learn how to communicate and deal with all types of people. He also learned how to fight at the age of 15 when he fought with Quraysh in the Battle of Fojar. In this experience he learned the art of being a strong fighter and the importance of negotiating for peace since Quraysh decided sign a peace treaty with the other tribe.
The Prophet lived in 4 houses
-Mother’s House (Aminah bint Wahab)
-Abu Sa3ds in the desert (Halimah Al Sa3deya)
-Grandfather’s House (Abdul Mutalib)
-Uncle’s House (Abu Talib)
and in each house he learned different things and learned to be independent, responsible, serious, and strong. He also always had someone giving him love and affection. God took his mother however he had his grandfather Abdul Mutalib and his wife Hala who’s a cousin of the Prophet’s mother that loved him and took good care of him. Then had his uncle Abu Taleb who loved him dearly and always supported him although he never became Muslim; also Fatima bint Asad his uncle’s wife who was always kind and caring and loved him very much.
Most Prophets suffered like Nuh (AS) “Noah” who was scorn upon by his people, Ibrahim (AS)“Abraham” who was thrown in the fire, Ya'qub (AS) “Jacob” who went blind from sadness for his son, Yusuf (AS) “Joseph” who lost his father and was thrown in a well, Musa (AS) “Moses” who had to leave his country, Isa (AS) “Jesus” who was hurt by his people, and finally Mohammad PBUH all of who initially faced hardships and were then relieved.
*الهمزية النبوية*
وُلِـد الُهدى ، فالكائنات ضياء .... وفــــــم الزمان تَبَسُّمٌ وثناءُ
الروح والملأ الملائـك حـوله .... للـــديــــــن والدنيا به بُشـراء
والعيش يزهو، والحظيرة تزدهي .... والمنتهى والسِّـدرة العصماء
والوحي يقطر سلسلاً من سَلْسَلٍ .... واللوح والقلم البديع رُواء
يا خير من جاء الوجود تحية .... من مرسلين إلى الهدى بك جاءوا
يومٌ يتيه على الزمان صبـاحُه .... ومســاؤه بمحمــد وضـــــــاءُ
ذُعِرت عروس الظالمين فزُلزلت .... وعلـت على تيجانهم أصـداء
نعـم اليتيم بدت مخايل فضلِه .... واليـتم رزق بعضه و ذكــــــاء
يا من له الأخلاق ما تهوى العلا .... منها وما يتعشق الكبـراء
لو لم يُقم دينًا ، لقامت وحدها .... دينا تضــيء بنوره الآنــــــاء
زانتك في الخُلُق العظيم شمائلٌ .... يُغري بهن ويُولع الكـرماء
فإذا سخوت بلغت بالجود المدى .... وفعلت ما لا تفعل الأنواء
وإذا عفوت فقـادرا، ومقدَّرًا .... لا يستهين بعفوك الجــهـــــلاء
وإذا رحمــت فـأنت أمٌّ أو أبٌ .... هـذان فـي الدنيا هما الرحماء
وإذا غضبت فإنما هي غَضبة .... في الحب، لا ضغن ولا بغضاء
وإذا خطبت فللمنابر هـزة .... تعرو الندِيَّ وللقـــلـــــوب بكــاء
وإذا قضيت فلا ارتيابَ كأنما .... جاء الخصومَ من السـماء قضاءُ
وإذا حميـت الماء لم يُورَدْ، ولو .... أن القياصر والملوك ظماء
وإذا أجرت فأنت بيـت الله، لـم .... يدخل عليه المسـتجير عـداء
وإذا أخذت العهد أو أعطيـته .... فجميـع عهدك ذمـة و وفـــــاء
يا أيها الأمي، حســبك رتـبةً .... فـي العلم أن دانت بك العلماء
الذكـر ربك الكبرى التي .... فيها لباغي المعجـزات غنــــاء
صدر البيان له إذا التقت اللُّغى .... وتقـدم البلغــــاء والفصـحاء
حسدوا فقـالوا شاعرٌ أو ساحر .... ومن الحســود يكون الاستهزاء
ديـــــن يشيِّد آيـة فــي آيـة .... لبناته الســـــورات والأضـواء
الحق فيه هو الأساس، وكيف لا .... والله جـل جلاله البَــنَّـــــاءُ
أما حديثك في العقول فمشرع .... والعلم والحكم الغوالي الماء
بك يا ابن عبدالله قامت سمحة .... بالحق من ملل الهدى غراء
بنيت على التوحيد وهي حقيقة .... نادى بها سقراط والقدماء
لما دعوت الناس لبى عاقل .... وأصم منك الجاهلين نداء
أبوا الخروج اليك من أوهامهم .... والناس في أوهامهم سجناء
داء الجماعة من أرسطاليس لم .... يوصف له حتى أتيت دواء
فرسمت بعدك للعباد حكومة .... لا سوقة فيها ولا أمراء
الله فوق الخلق فيها وحده .... والناس تحت لوائها أكفاء
والدين يسر والخلافة بيعة .... والأمر شورى والحقوق قضاء
أنصفت أهل الفقر من أهل الغنى .... فالكل في حق الحياة سواء
فلو ان انساناً تخير ملةً .... ما اختار الا دينك الفقراء
يا ايها المسرى به شرفاً الى .... ما لا تنال الشمس والجوزاء
يتساءلون وأنت أطهر هيكل .... بالروح أم بالهيكل الاسراء؟
بهما سموت مطهرين كلاهما .... نورٌ وريحانية وبهاء
فضلٌ عليك لذي الجلال ومنةٌ .... والله يفعلُ ما يرى ويشاء
من كلمات امير الشعراء
أحمد شوقي
At the age of 25 the Prophet was considered an experienced trader and started working for a successful business woman named Khadijah bint Khowayled. He never hesitated about working for a woman and treated her with respect and devotion. He led her caravan to Al Sham (Syria, Lebanon and Jordan) and always returned with profit therefore he was considered a well-established merchant.
Prophet Mohammed PBUH had a cheerful face and was flexible in all his dealings, even during times of disagreement and this cheerfulness is one major requirement for success in business.
Khadijah bint Khowayled was widowed twice and rejected several marriage proposals by the elite of Quraysh who were attracted to her beauty and wealth. She wanted an honest dedicated man and she saw all these characteristics in Mohammed PBUH although he was 15 years younger than her. She was deeply impressed by his incomparable kindness, honesty, and cheerfulness, and so she asked her friend to ask him if he would consider marrying her. The Prophet thought very highly of Khadijah and believed marrying her would be wonderful so he officially proposed to her and she accepted.
Their marriage lasted 25 years: 15 years prior to the prophetic call and 10 years after the prophetic call. Moreover, they had six children: four girls (Zeinab, Roqayia, Om-Kulthom, Fatimah) and two boys that died at birth (Al-Kasem and Abdulla).
The Prophet and Khadijah loved eachother dearly and always supported one another.
Khadijah stood by the Prophet's side during the prophetic call and was the first lady to convert to Islam. She stood by his side and was always supportive when Quraysh gave the Prophet a hard time. That's one of the reasons why God intended for Mohammed to marry an older wiser woman to stand by his side and lift his spirits when the times were tough.
After Khadijah's death the Prophet still thaught about her and every time he heard a knock at the door similar to that of Khadijah, he used to wish that the visitor be her sister Hala because he liked everything that reminded him of her.
Posted by MusliMiss
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